Sunday, December 22, 2013

Using WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus

In order to use the WSO2 ESB, you need to download the following.

Latest version of WSO2 ESB Binary
I use the currently available latest version which is 4.8.0 that is available in the WSO2 website. 
Click here to navigate to the downloads page and click on Binary button to start the download as shown below.

Latest version of Java Development Kit
 I use the currently available latest jdk which is jdk7.
Click here to navigate to the downloads page of Oracle to start the download. The below image could help you.

once you are done with the jdk download, you can install it and then do not forget to set the path for the bin folder and set the JAVA_HOME variable in your machine.

Setting the java path to the bin folder

Once you install jdk in your machine, do navigate to the jdk bin folder of the correct version as shown below and copy the path to it.

then type env under startup search box ( in windows) and select Edit the system environment variables option from the search results box. Next click Environment Variables under Advanced tab and then focus on path under System variables. Select it and then click Edit. Then place the cursor under variable value text box and go towards its end then add a semicolon and paste the path that you copied to clipboard (e.g :- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin). Then close all three opened windows by clicking OK buttons in each of them.

Note, if you don't have administrative privileges then you can temporarily set the path as below usinga command prompt (remeber you should use the correct path of your jdk bin folder)

set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin

Setting the JAVA_HOME variable

type env under startup search box ( in windows) and select Edit the system environment variables option from the search results box. under User variables for <username> panel, click New. Then add the following

Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45

Then close all three opened windows by clicking OK buttons in each of them.

Note, if you don't have administrative privileges then you can temporarily set the path as below usinga command prompt (remeber you should use the correct path of your jdk bin folder)

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45

Checking whether jdk path to bin and the JAVA_HOME variables are correctly set in your machine

open a command prompt and type,
java -version to check the java version installed is correctly identified


set JAVA_HOME and observe whether the path to java home is correctly identified

Now you are ready to run the WSO2 ESB.

Running the WSO2 ESB Server

First of all, extract the file that you have just downloaded. then navigate to the bin folder as shown below. Meanwhile open a command prompt getting ready to run the esb sever in your machine.

use the command prompt to navigate to the bin folder which is shown above and then type,

cd C:\Users\Sherihan\Downloads\wso2esb-4.8.0\wso2esb-4.8.0\bin\wso2server.bat

and hit Enter. Or simply drag and drop the wso2server.bat in to the command prompt so that it will paste the complete file to the bat file and then hit Enter.

carefully observe the command line where it stops at a certain point providing you a URL to start the WSO2 esb server in a browser as shown below. 

Copy the url and paste it in a web browser to start the ESB server from an interface. Once it gives you the login page, enter admin as the username and admin as the password and you are ready to run the Wso2 ESB server to do what ever the required task that you wished to do with the ESB server.

Hope It was useful to you. Please leave a comment for any clarification :)

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